Thursday, 31 January 2019


Technology is constantly changing and improving our lives in different ways. Hopefully this will continue and our lives will improve tremendously with great technical progress.

In this blog I hope to see how that progress will be and how it will affect our daily life, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each day.

In this constantly changing world, technology is fundamental and the future is clear and exciting.
These 5 things are already here in one way or another and will become increasingly common over time.

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Perhaps one of the most important and exciting developments in technology is the introduction of cars that drive on their own.

This progression in driver less cars has been around for a while, science fiction books and movies predict this year.

But it is only now that it begins to become a reality, with excellent camera and GPS technology, companies like Google, Tesla, Audi and more now have automatic driving cars in production that are used on the road every day.

The technology of these cars is already surprising and potentially safer than human drivers, and this will only improve. At some point it will be too dangerous for people to drive autonomous cars and cars, as we know them today that are forbidden along the way. This is a disadvantage for the driverless car, as car freaks fear it will ruin the auto industry. And possibly, with performances that are not of any use in a self-driven car, all cars will have the same engine.

Although there have been some accidents and, unfortunately, there have been deaths in the cars they drive on their own, the technology will improve and this will radically change the car market around the world.

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Drones are another piece of technology that has been on people's minds for some years and is likely to determine the future.

Although drones are ideal for aerial photography, a specific use makes everyone enthusiastic today.
Many companies are currently working on this, with the Amazon online store at the forefront of this movement.

Amazon has promised drones to deliver your products.

Although this seems to be a wonderful development in delivery technology, it is not without errors.
Airspace laws are probably the main problem for potential drone delivery companies. Drones flying around can crash with helicopters, planes, etc. Then, until a solution to this problem is found, the delivery of the drone is stopped.

Another problem they face is the battery life of the drones, but with great advances in battery technology, this problem is solved fast enough.

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3. 3D Printing

Of course, we would not write an article about the future of technology without mentioning 3D printing.

This is probably one of the most promising technological advances and we hope it will help many people.

3D printing has great advantages for both commercial and domestic use. You can do almost anything you want with a 3D printer that offers you infinite possibilities.

In commercial use, many companies already use 3D printers to produce their products or parts for their product, and the improvements here will only improve.

What fascinates me and others, are the possibilities in other places for 3D printing, this comes in many different areas?

A great use would be, for example, to print body parts with 3D printing for medical use. Like a heart valve for a patient who needs it. The work has already begun and once it is in place, it will probably change the appearance of the medications forever.

Another potential use would be to push down food, even this is already in its early stages, but some people call it a possible cure for hunger in the world, which, of course, is an incredible claim, but if it were to happen , I would. Change the world as we know it.

Unfortunately, 3D printing has some disadvantages, for example, you can easily print a weapon. And since it would be a custom-made weapon, it would be incredibly difficult to track and, therefore, cause problems with law enforcement when investigating a weapons-related crime.

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4. Internet of things.

You may have never heard the term 'internet of things', but it will soon. Basically, this is where all the devices are connected to the Internet. This is already becoming increasingly present in homes, but this will grow and grow until almost all Wi-Fi / internet devices are turned on.

Amazon's Alexa and the Google Assistant are currently an example of a center for the Internet of things. With a system like Alexa, you can do innumerable things in your house if you have the correct devices / devices. This includes turning the lights on and off from anywhere / using your voice, you can also get an oven or smart fridge or a dishwasher or other device and control it from your phone or computer or from anywhere.

This has great potential in the future, to a point where all electronic devices will be connected to the Internet in one way or another.

The disadvantage of this is that all these devices can be hacked and cause chaos in your home, but with greater security this can easily be eliminated.

At this time, the problem with implementing this in your current life would be the costly price of all the things you would have to buy to get a decent use of a so-called "internet of things". To purchase a Wi-Fi compatible version at this time, it costs a few hundred more than the standard version of most devices / devices. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to stop investing in the "internet of things" until it becomes more common.

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5. Artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence, the words that seem to be on everyone's mind at this time.
It is potentially one of the most exciting developments in the history of the earth, where the use is powerful.

Like the 4 future technologies, KI is already in use, but only in a small capacity of what it could and could be in the future.

All the other 4 technologies mentioned use / use a type of artificial intelligence.
In the future, autonomous cars will be able to see the way for them and make their own decisions for car safety.

While the delivery of unmanned aircraft will work again, you learn your environment and respond intelligently.

Alexa is also a form of AI that responds to user instructions with intelligent and useful answers / actions.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what KI can do in the future.
The technology of the future is always difficult to predict, for example, we are still waiting for the Hover board back to the future, but if even half of these things we mentioned above arrive, we receive a gift.

It is hoped that these new technologies change our whole life for the better.
The future is bright and I cannot wait!

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